Thursday 27 December 2012

What is Ubuntu part 2

Before we get started with installation Ubuntu on our computer... first we have to do some home work .
that is  philosophy and key concepts behind the Ubuntu operating system.

 What Is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu, pronounced "oŏ’ boŏn  toō, " is actually three different things:
  1.  philosophy
  2. worldwide collaborative software project, and
  3. computer operating system

Ubuntu is not more than operation system .it is more than a operation system because  most of the server and computer in the world have installed Ubuntu on there machine.Because it is secure , free , easy to learn..

 Ubuntu Philosophy ?

            Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘humanity to others’. It also means ‘I am what I am because of who we all are’.It is this South African philosophy that sets Ubuntu apart from other operating systems because it brings the spirit of humanity and community to the world of computers. Ubuntu users share a deeply held belief that software should be freely accessible to everyone regardless of language, disability, or income.

paid Software vs Free/Libra Open-Source Software :-

         Proprietary software is designed, developed and marketed by a company as their own system. It is sold for profit and functions on only one type of computer. Examples of proprietary operating systems include Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. The source code of these systems is not freely available and if you tried to modify or distribute it would constitute a felony. Ubuntu, on the other hand, is NOT proprietary software because it is actively maintained by the FLOSS community.

What Is FLOSS?

               FLOSS is not the thin, waxy filament that you run through teeth, nor is it the pink cotton candy that you buy at state fairs.FLOSS is the acronym for Free/Libra Open-Source Software. FLOSS software is different from proprietary or commercial software because it is:
  1.  FREE to use
  2.  FREE to share, and
  3.  FREE to develop
  4. secure
  5. easy understand
This means you can download and use Ubuntu without paying money. You can then make copies of the software and
distribute it to as many people as you want. Finally, the source code of Ubuntu’s operating system is freely available, so
you can inspect the program and make changes to suit your own needs.
This freedom is made possible because Ubuntu uses the GNU General Public License (or simply GPL)
this is much info for you..if you want any kind of help please post your question suggestion in the comment box below ...i help you has much possible ...


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